Saturday, August 30, 2008


The following is an excerpt of an article by written by Cameron Strang in this month's issue of Relevant Magazine. Which, btw, is more than worth the very reasonable subscription price!

"...I've realized I cannot fully embrace either political party. Both sides of the aisle have some great ideas and goals. But both also have areas where they simply get it wrong...I also know that, historically, real, lasting change has started first at the grassroots level long before it was ever legislated. Cultural mindshifts influence Washington, not the other way around...Are the government leaders we vote for meant to do our job for us?

If God has given you a heart for the poor, or to see a reduction in the number of abortions, or to promote peace, or to help the sick or to stand for strong moral values, or to be a better steward of the enviornment, than your personal focus needs to be on that-whether or not the President shares your same values...

Could it be that the loss of religious freedoms would ultimately be the best thing for American Christians because it would cause us to stand on our own feet rather than relying on the government to legislate our faith and values for us?

I've heard that only 5 percent of people who attend church reglularly actually serve in any way. I've read that if every Christian in America actually tithed 10 percent of their income, we would have enough financial resources to wipe out global poverty. There's more power lying dormant in pews around the nation than any government could hope to provide...

Christians should be focused on personal action regardless of legislation, not just waiting for the right number of Supreme Court Justices to come along...

Vote your convictions and let your voice be heard...But don't let politics breed division, or make you see people in a different light...

If you have a passion for an issue, rather than judging someone who doesn't share that passion or viewpoint, just go do something about it. Give your life to it. Be the change you want to see...

Remember that our leaders and Country do not define us.
It's not up to Washington it's up to us-and I say we step up and lead the charge...with our lives, our finances and our actions every day.
Not just Nov. 4"

Yeah! What he said!!!
And that was only the editorial page!

This may be the last time I chime in on politics this election season...or maybe not.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Let Me tell You about My Son!

Anthony is 17 years old. He is a highly intelligent young man with a quick, sharp-witted sense of humor. A practical joker, he keeps me laughing all the time. He is well mannered and considerate and respectful of other peoples feelings and beliefs. He is an independent thinker, and will not settle for easy, cookie-cutter answers. He is a non-conformist. He can spot a hypocrite or phony a mile away. He cares about his friends and family and his future. Of course, being his mother, I could go on and on.

Him and I had a conversation earlier today in which he posed this question to me...
"What's the difference between smoking pot and eating McDonald's?"
(Did I mention that I love him?!)

My answer was:

Of course, smoking pot has, what seem to be, more dramatic consequences than eating McDonalds...However, I think Anthony and I are both in agreement that "sin is sin". Anything that we do in opposition to God's will, God's order, God's command, is sin. I think it is our desperate need to rationalize our own sin that causes us to begin to make classifications.

Gossiping about my neighbor is not AS BAD as killing my neighbor.
Judgement and hate are not AS BAD as Abortion or Prejudice.
Heterosexual sin is not AS BAD as homosexual sin.
Polluting the earth is not AS BAD as polluting the mind with...
(whatever it is you think the youth of today are polluting their minds with)
Filling our bodies with junk food is not AS BAD as smoking pot.

I'm so glad that Anthony is thinking, questioning, willing to explore what he believes and why. I'm glad that he will not settle for an empty, rootless faith. I believe that in time, he will find the answer he's looking for. I believe he will come to the inevitable conclusion that there is one constant truth and order for all of the earth. The unshakable truth of the living God of creation who is close and active in our lives.

And did I mention that I love him?

John 8:7
...If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Extra Chores

Tuesday is "Chore Day" at my house. A good time is had by all. This particular Tuesday was especially enjoyable as my two younger children not only spent the entire morning complaining about having to do chores (as if we don't do it every week), but also fighting and bickering with each other. I was listening to them from the kitchen (where I was doing the laundry-without complaint). They were being downright hateful to each other, it was getting ugly, over...seriously...who was going to take the first shower. I couldn't help but laugh quietly to myself because it was just so silly and because I was in possession of some information which neither of them were aware of. Namely, that I had already decided, based on the scheduling needs of everyone in the house, exactly what order children would be taking their showers in.

So, because I am a kind, loving mother, I decided to bring them into the living room and inform them... that would solve everything. I gently called to them so that I could impart my generous wisdom upon them. I had the entire speech planned out and I felt confident that once my little angels were apprised of the situation, peace and joy would be restored to the household. In my mind it looked something like this...

My dear, beloved children, cease your strife and arguing! It is to no avail. For I, your loving and wise mother, will reveal my will for you. I hold the key to your future plans and I have predetermined the shower schedule for the day. I have a plan, it's a good plan, a plan to prosper you, not to harm you. A plan to bring order and peace to the entire household. Trust in me. Do the work of your hands with diligence and pride, and be loving toward each other as I have loved you...

Here's what it really looked liked...
HE said this!!! SHE called me that!!! HE did this!!! SHE threw that!!! He ALWAYS gets his way!!! She NEVER gets in trouble!!! IT'S NOT FAIR!!! I HATE him/her!!!...and on...and on...and on...

I quietly backed out of the room - They didn't even notice that I had left.

I went back to folding my laundry and listening. There was a lot more going on than an urgent desire for cleanliness. There were past hurts and slights, feelings of injustice and inequality, laundry lists of old injuries and insults, and a desperate, clutching need to be vindicated. To be right. Because somehow, the one who is right is the one who matters.

And I thanked God.

Because that very morning, I had prayed for insight and wisdom into my own "difficult" relationships. And I felt compassion for my children, and for myself, and for the people in my life that I struggle to show love to, even though I feel love for them.

Sometimes, I get so caught up in past hurts and slights, feelings of injustice and inequality, laundry lists of old injuries and insults and the desperate, clutching need to be vindicated. To be right. Because somehow, if I am right, than I will matter.

And sometimes, as a newly committed Follower of Christ, words like...submission, and serve, and meekness become a hammer that someone who is NOT Christ uses to pound guilt into my soul. And I get confused and think that submission is about a person.

I want to remember that my God is a Mighty, Sovereign God. My God holds not only my life and future, but the future of the world, in His hands. Every person matters to God. My mind cannot conceive the plan's of God. I want to be willing to humble myself before the God of the Universe and freely concede that sometimes I don't get to win, and sometimes I don't get to know why.

And He made known to us the mystery of His Will according to His good pleasure, which He purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times will have reached their fullfillment-to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one Head, even Christ. In Him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will.
Ephesians 1:9-11

In case you're wondering, the innocent little darlings eventually got a little too willful. And received the blessing of discipline in the form of extra chores. I don't know if they learned a lesson from that, but I got the back porch and patio swept and cleaned, and all the sticks and twigs removed from the yard (2 acres)...all things work together for good!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

More or Less?

I know what it is like to feel that God is far away. Unreachable, unattainable. I know what it feels like to ask and not receive, to seek and not find. I know how it feels to wonder..."What am I doing wrong, why can't I find you?" I know how it feels to try, and try, and get to Jesus... and feel like he is slipping farther away. A huge riddle, the kind that when the punch-line comes I can't believe I couldn't figure it out sooner...
but the punch-line never comes.

I know how it feels.

And I can't help but think that the Disciples, who were living and walking with Jesus, felt the same way. It's easy in hindsight, to think that the Disciples and the Jewish people were all terribly simple minded because Jesus was right there and they just didn't see it, or get it.

But I think, that they were very human.

And I think, that after Jesus was crucified and resurrected and the Apostles lay the groundwork for the "Church"...this amazing new Christ-Centered movement... It is easy, again in hindsight, to somehow, elevate them from poor, foolish commoners who couldn't see the forest through the trees...
to unreachable, untouchable, perfect Saints.

It's hard to see them clearly, realistically...and it distorts how I see myself. Or maybe it's the other way around? Maybe my view of the disciples is "either-or" because my view of myself is "either-or". Either I'm am hopelessly unworthy of the presence of God and cannot reach Him, or I am or perfect, without struggles, floating around on the clouds somewhere.

I think sometimes my interpretation of the bible, my life and my relationship with God goes a little awry, when I forget that the Saints...were human.

That they lived every day struggling to come to terms with God and Christ and the Holy Spirit, to get closer, to understand more. That the bible is actually a reflection of their struggle. That what the Authors of the bible are doing is wrestling with the Torah and God and the Spirit and the experience of Christ. Praying about it, Discussing it, journaling it, receiving insight, passing it on...and that the very same Spirit of God who was given to them, has not changed.
Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever (Heb. 13:8).

I am joining in the struggle with the Saints as I pray, read, question, discuss, and draw conclusions and I am not alone in it. Not any more or less alone then Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter and Paul.

Is it only because I insist on making them more or less human, that I feel that way?

Is my view that the Authors of the bible have access to some "other", "better" form of the spirit of God than I do, a valid conclusion?

John 14:26
"But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you."

John 16:13
"But when He, the Spirit of Truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on His own; He will speak only what He hears and He will tell you what is yet to come. He will bring Glory to me by taking from what is Mine and making it known to you. All that belongs to the Father is Mine. That is why I said the Spirit will take from what is Mine and make it known to you."

John 17:17
"Sanctify them by truth; Your word is truth."

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Just like Jesus

I woke up early this morning and couldn't get back to sleep, but that didn't stop me from laying there a good long while and trying. There's always plenty to think about when you're trying to sleep. I thought about this...

I'm almost to the end of the Gospels and Jesus did not give me any clear, direct instructions about parenting. Nothing at all about what kind of music I should allow my kids to listen to or what kind of t.v. and movies they should or shouldn't be watching. Nothing about whether I should keep them really busy in sports and activities or slow them down. And what should I do about bad grades, Internet, the Public School System, sex, drugs, Chores? I really wish He would have mentioned something about chores and disgusting bedrooms. I have so many unanswered questions. What kind of rules? What kind of structure? What kind of schedule? And....

What about the "rest of us"....

I think a lot of people know what I mean when I say that.
The rest of us who are divorced or never married with kids by different dads and moms who are not even considering following Christ. The rest of us who have family members and babsitters that take care of our kids, out of neccesity, and they are not nearly as concerned with our kids becoming good Christians as we are. The rest of us who spent a lot of years raising our kids in homes that looked nothing like the homes that are in all the good parenting books. The rest of us who hurt our kids in anger and ignorance and selfishness...and now we want to switch everything up and tell them Jesus said they can't watch MTV. Even those of us who were "Christians"...but not so much.
The rest of us.

And in all those red letters...nothing.
Not a word about a program to get my kids to love Jesus and be good Christians.

And I'm thinking about some really amazing mothers I know, wisdom and experiences they have shared with me, incredible love they shown me.
And I'm thinking about C.S. Lewis and Kathy Guy.
And I'm thinking about Jesus.

These mothers...Kathy,Heather, Sarah, Kristin, Dawn, Miki...model for me unconditional love, strength and wisdom.
C.S. Lewis and Kathy Guy (with infinite patience on her part) opened my eyes to the reality that often times the problem does not lie in the answer or the lack of an answer...but in the question.

Maybe asking Jesus to show me how to get my kids to love him and be good Christians when they grow up... is the wrong question.

Maybe the question is...
How do I bring Jesus to my kids?
How do I love my children as Jesus has loved me?

And maybe it's not even a question...but a decleration.

I will love my kids as Jesus has loved me, as Jesus loves the world.
I will be Jesus to my children.
I will keep looking in, searching those red letters, not for a plan, but for Jesus.
And I will do this with an honest awareness...
that my children may never choose to follow Jesus themselves.

Just like Jesus.

Matthew 19:14
Jesus said "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them..."

Friday, August 8, 2008

The Way and The Truth and The Life

I have been reading John 13:31-14:14 over and over again, for days.
In these 22 verses I find so much more that I question, that seems out of reach, than I actually understand. I wonder why I don't just move on. But I am held here, rooted, fixated on a Jesus who is becoming more than a man. More than a prophet, more than a teacher, more than the latest self-help guru, more than a new plan or a new theology...
more than good and nice.

John 13:34,35
"A new command I give you: Love one another.
As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
By this all men will know that you are my disciples,
if you love one another.

John 14:1-14
"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me...
You know the way to the place where I am going...

I am The Way and The Truth and The Life...

No one comes to the Father except through me.
If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well.

From now on, you do know Him and have seen Him.
...Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father...
I am in the Father and the Father is in me.
The words I say to you are not just my own.
Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work.
Believe Me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me...

I tell you the Truth.

Anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing.
He will do even greater things than these...

Because I am going to the Father.
And I will do whatever you ask in My Name,
so that the Son may bring Glory to the Father

You may ask me for anything in My Name, and I will do it."

Here is Jesus.
Not a nice guy with a plan to get us all to Heaven...
Heaven touching Earth.
Here is Jesus.
Not a prophet with a vision from God...
God in flesh and blood.
Here is Jesus.
Not an angel among us...
Fully Human and Fully God.

Not a plan, but the plan.

What if it's not just about getting to Heaven,
but about getting to Jesus?
What if we get to Jesus and discover that
The Way has a lot less to do with where we go when we die,
and a lot more to do with embracing...

The fullness of our Humanity
and the fullness of our Divinity?