Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Does God REALLY do THAT???

A brief summary of a few events in 2nd Kings 1-6

Elijah (prophet of the LORD):

Receives a direct message (by angel) from God Gives a death decree from the LORD (which is fulfilled) Kills 102 (by my calculations) men with “fire from heaven” Parts the Jordan river, with a rolled up cloak Is taken to heaven (while he is still alive) on a fiery chariot (horses and all)…in a whirlwind
Elisha (Elijah’s successor):

Parts the Jordan (with Elijah’s cloak) Purifies a poisonous stream, and some poisonous stew - with a little salt and flour Curses a group of boys, in the name of the LORD, which results in a bear mauling 42 of them Serves as a conduit of God’s “voice” which proclaims He will fill the land with water – without wind or rain (and then actually does it) Instructs a woman to fill every vessel in town with oil from one small jar Declares a woman will conceive, then later brings her dead son (the result of her conception) back to life by praying to the LORD Cures a man (who is very uncooperative) of leprosy…then inflicts another man (along with his descendants, FOREVER) with the very same leprosy Causes an iron axe head to float on water Prays – and the eyes of his servant are opened to see a heavenly army (More fiery chariots & horses) Then completely blinds the enemy army…

Once I catch my breath - I’m left with a few questions, like…Does God REALLY do THAT??

Did He do it back then but doesn’t do it anymore? Are these stories fairy tales and fables to get children (and adults) to behave? Is this for real?

What if it is?

Does God really come close enough to speak to (and through) us? Close enough to send angels, heal the sick and feed the hungry? Close enough to rescue the widow & orphan, perform miracles, give signs and protect the innocent? Close enough to… punish the wicked…give life… take life … raise the dead?

Maybe, underneath all the analysis, contemplation, and debate concerning the bible – there’s only one real question.

How close are you God? – really?

1 comment:

Cjay said...

The answer is yes, God really does do that, when you believe. I can tell you many ways in which he has truly done the very things you are asking about.